Monday, November 22, 2010

Fig Leaf Underwear?

Visit me at Gran Canaria holidays

I am sure you have all been seeing and hearing in the news recently about the guy who got frisked at the airport and was trying to accuse the TSA of sexual harassment, threatening to sue if his "junk" was touched. First of all, let me just say I found this funny, and lots of people will be clicking off of my blog right about now, cuz they are offended. But as a member of the "woman" race, I find it amusing that now that it is happening to men, it is now offensive. Sorry, can't help it.

My second opinion is, if you don't like the idea of being frisked or xrayed, find another mode of transportation. When I fly, I prefer feeling like everyone that got on the plane with me has been properly screened. You can choose one or the other, but if you choose neither, then may I suggest that you drive?

Third, I saw a really funny news report today. Seems a guy in Colorado has developed some "fig leaf" underwear, with just enough of the types of metals that won't set off the detectors to shield your privacy if you have to be screened. I don't know if that will fly or not (pardon the pun) because who is to say that you won't be hiding something behind that sexy new underwear you are sporting?

It seems everyone is up in arms about the new TSA screening processes, and I just have to say, maybe you should get over yourself or stay at home. Do you really think the person behind the screen gives a rip what you look like under your unders? And if he or she did, it's not like they could pick you out of a crowd.

For myself, I would prefer we all had to go through screening nekked, then maybe I wouldn't have to worry about some asshole blowing me up at 35000 feet.

Just saying.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Visit me at Gran Canaria holidays

If you read an earlier post of mine, you know that I had a hard time finding a decent price for rental cars this year for our trip to Hawaii. I ended up getting them for about $450 for 8 days, including taxes, which is twice as much as I have had to pay in prior years. The state of Hawaii decided that I was not paying enough for taxes on my rental car, so they tacked on an extra $3.50 a day! That added a little over $50 to the trip just in EXTRA taxes. I guess they figured since tourism was down, that anyone still able to take a trip could just suck it up and pay. After all, if we can still afford a trip, an extra $50 won't hurt us, right? Thank you, state of Hawaii! I realize they rely on tourism, but I hate being raked over the coals, and, no matter how much taxes they add, my budget is only so big. The extra taxes was just money I did not spend with local businesses.

Ok, that is my rant for the day. If you were hoping to see a post here about how to find killer deals on rental cars.........nope! The rental car companies are getting more per rental than in any year in recent history. If it is the same next year, I will be taking a shuttle to and from the resort and taking the public transportation on the rest of the trip.

For those of you thinking I must still be doing ok if I can afford a trip every year, I have a timeshare so I am paying for my vacation whether I take it or not, so I might as well take it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pacific Whale Foundation Dolphin Cruise

Visit me at Gran Canaria Holidays

Just got back from another great two week vacation in Hawaii. We spent the first week on Maui with some other family members, including my granddaughter. It was her first trip to the islands and she had a great time. She is 15 and in Hawaii, how could she have a BAD time????

One of the highlights of the trip for me this time was a dolphin cruise out of Lahaina Harbor. Of course there are all types of activities to be done/had on Maui, but I have to say this is one of the best values in the islands.

The cruise is done by the Pacific Whale Foundation. They are a non profit organization concerned with the sea life protection in the islands. THe great thing for me as a tourist about this group is that the activities they host are reasonably priced, and the added benefit is that the money goes for wildlife preservation.

It only cost us about $40 per person to go on a three hour cruise. We went to the coast of Lana'i, and saw this huge pod of dolphins! They estimated about 150 dolphins. They were spinner dolphins and they were jumping and playing all around the boat, it was great! I got some decent photos of the dolphins out of the water.

The boat has shade and the all important bathroom. There are light snacks for purchase and they supply drinks and reef friendly sun screen. I have done a lot of activities on the islands and as far as I am concerned, these guys are the best value for your money. They also offer a snorkel cruise, but don't think this means you can snorkel with the dolphins, because you can't, but you will probably encounter some turtles and that will be almost as awesome!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rental Cars Are Expensive This Year

Visit me at Gran Canaria Holidays
It is confirmed, it is not just my imagination, rental cars are horribly expensive this year! I booked my flight to Hawaii several months ago and I got reasonably priced tickets, ditto for the rooms while we are there. I have been searching for a decent price on rental cars ever since!

My usual modus operandi is to book a car as soon as I know my dates for travel. I will go to the various sites I have bookmarked until I find the best price and book it. In the past, I have always been able to get a better price as the time for my vacation draws nearer. this year however, I am glad I am such a planner! Because if I had not secured a decent price for my rental car months ago, I would now be facing the prospect of not having a rental car at all for my vacation, because they are horribly expensive this year. I am appalled at the prices they are charging this year. With so many people not taking vacations at all this year, I do not understand how the rental car companies can be getting such outrageous prices, but apparently they are. For myself, I would have to rely on public transportation, because I simply could not come up with they money they are charging.

Rental prices are up 50% over what I paid last year, so no way can I find room in my budget for that! We have people traveling with us that will be going sans rental car. And to add insult to injury, I was recently informed that in Hawaii, (where I am going on vacation) that the airport concession fee will be increased by a whopping 350%!!!!!! They are tacking on an extra $4.00 a day to rentals.

I may not be getting out and about as much this year as I did last, but at least I am able to take a vacation, and I am SO looking forward to some of the beautiful Hawaiian sun and those tropical waters to swim in, so I will just be thankful for what I do have instead of griping about what I don't.

Even if all you can afford is a campout in the back yard (which we just did this weekend!) GET OUT THERE AND VACATION!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fall Travel

Visit me at Gran Canaria Holidays

Fall is almost here, and if you have not yet taken your summer vacation, it is time to git er done, before summer is gone and you have missed it! Lucky for you, there are some companies out there that are gearing up for fall season and putting their best sales forward now, in time to grab that last minute summer vacation, or to plan the first trip of the fall.

Cheap Round Trip Flights Under $150 - Tax Included. Book now on CheapOair!

If you have read any of my earlier posts, you know I do not like to follow the crowd when it comes to my vacations. I like to go in shoulder season instead of high season, and I like to stay in condo's instead of motels or resorts.

This may or may not be your idea of a good vacation. Whatever your idea is, I hope that my posts on this blog will help inspire you to take that well deserved vacation, and hopefully show you a way to save a buck or two.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Site about Gran Canaria

Interested in a Canary Island Holiday?

Building a new travel site, about Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands of Spain. They have some really cool stuff there. You guessed it, now I want to go and see for myself! They have camel rides there, you go across the Maspalomas dunes and you can imagine yourself crossing the Sahara, (except for all the naked sunbathers you run across!)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Shoulder Season Travel

Shoulder season travel is often a missed opportunity for families and couples trying to take a budget vacation. In the high season you may only be able to afford a one week vacation, but if you can plan for the shoulder season, you can stretch that out to a ten day vacation, or more, for the same amount of dollars.

View the complete article on shoulder season travel

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


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I am so glad spring is finally here, my winter blues are starting to melt away. It is time to plant the garden and start planning summer bbq's and camp outs. For those of you that have not already done so, it is also time to start planning your fall vacation.(Your summer vacation should already be planned and paid for)If you did not buy your airline tickets at around the 330 day range, now is the time to start watching for fall fares. Or, if you did not advance plan your spring and summer vacations, it is time to start watching for last minute deals. That is a great way to travel too, heck, ANY way to travel is a great way to travel!

The economy is still in a bad place, so if you are lucky enough to still be employed and have some money to spare, this will be a great year for vacation deals. If, like me, you did not weather the employment storm so well, at least you may still get to take a vacation after all because rates are so low.

Even if you have to grab a sleeping bag and throw it on the beach, do something to get out there and vacation! It is good for the soul.

Friday, April 16, 2010

How Many Miles Will You Earn With That Credit Card?

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Most credit cards that you use for earning miles will give you one mile per dollar spent, and it will cost you 25000 miles for a continental flight. So that means for every $25000 dollars that you spend, you will earn pone free flight. Now this is where a lot of people will stop reading, because they think "I have to spend $25000 to get one lousy flight?" But the truth of the matter is, you are already spending that money and not getting anything for it!

Most credit cards associated with airline miles will have some other way of increasing your miles earnings. The most common is using your miles credit card to purchase a ticket with that airline. If you have done your homework carefully, this is not a problem, because it will be an airline you want to fly on anyway. That is one reason it is important to choose a miles card that is associated with an airline you will use. A bunch of miles sitting in your account that you can't use does not do you any good.

Check back later for more information on how to do some research into miles from credit cards. In the meantime, if you have information for others, feel free to leave a post.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Best Credit Card for Miles

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So, you finally decided to follow my advice and get yourself a Miles credit card. So your next question is, which will be the best credit card for miles? Well, that's going to depend on a few different factors. Of course, the very best credit card you could get would be a 0% APR credit card. But those are pretty hard to come by, and the ones that do come along our usually only short-term. So if you cannot get a 0% interest credit card, at least try to go for a low interest credit card.

If you had credit card problems in the past, you may have to apply for credit card with a higher interest rate. When I am looking for credit cards, I do not usually take the interest rate into account, because I pay mine off every month. I do not believe you should have a credit card and carry a balance on it on a regular basis. If that is the way to use a credit card, a Miles credit card is not the program for you. The exception to that is if you have a 0% APR credit card, you can carry a balance on that.

Come back tomorrow and we will go into part two of how to get the best credit card for miles. Until then, hold off on your spending so that you can earn miles on all of your purchases.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sandals is promoting their band new resort

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If you have not heard, Sandals has recently brought a new resort on board, it is called Emerald Bay and it is their very first ALL BUTLER resort. Yep, oceanfront resort in the Bahamas that is going all butler. Here is what landed in my mailbox just moments ago "For a limited time, guests who book a luxurious Seaside Villa will receive a complimentary Island Routes Castaway Cay Island Package valued at $550!

The Castaway Cay Package includes free transfer to dock, private boat transfer to secluded Castaway Island, four hours on Castaway Island, beach chairs and beach floats, a bottle of wine and a cooler with drinks, choice of 1 of 4 lunch options." If you follow this link you will land on a page with an Emerald Bay advertisement. Follow that link and when you go to book your vacation package, enter the code CWY33. The way I am reading this, is that this can be used in conjunction with the companion flies free offer they also have going on for Emerald Bay. Sounds like a suite deal!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

NCL is having a sale

Visit me at Adult-Travels

Everyday brings a new sale to my mailbox. Some I get excited about and some are just "oh, another sale" And then there are days like today, when I am sick and I want to stay in bed, and I just don't know if I should get excited or not!
The email that stuck out for me today was from Norwegian Cruise Lines, they are having a 48 hour sale and to tell you the truth, I have no idea if it is a good one or not. Hey, I could have lied and told you it was fantastic, but what if it's not? Then I am left looking like I don't know what I am talking about, so I'd rather just put it out there, that this time, I just don't know. Because I didn't go check, it's the whole sick thing. I hope someone checks it out though and lets me know if it is any good. Hopefully I am not missing the sale of the century.
If I have to be sick, I'd rather be doing it from the deck of a cruise ship!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sandals is having a Sale

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Have you ever been to an all inclusive? Ever wanted to? I have always wanted to try it, but for whatever reason I haven't yet. Lately, Wheel of Fortune has been hosted by Sandals Resorts, and so of course, I got to wondering, how much would it cost to stsy in a place like that? Now. Sandals and Beaches are not your run of the mill all inclusive; their motto is "Luxury Included" and they look pretty classy! And since the butler packages they are giving out on "Wheel" say they have a value of 10,500, I got to wondering "how much for a regular room"? So, I went to find out!
Seems Sandals is having a sale these days! I am sure business is down for them like everyone else, which is good news for anyone who can still afford vacations! I priced out a week for my husband and I for our anniversary in July of next year ( yes, the sale extends out that far), and we can get a week for under $3000. I was VERY impressed! And they will hold your reservation for $400. I think this might be totally doable. Here's a link where you can find more info on Sandals Beach Resorts.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Visit me at Adult-Travels

Cold and flu season is still here, I know for a fact because I have it, and I am miserable. I don't much feel like surfing for deals, so I thought I would just remind you all, while you are traveling, to WASH, WASH, WASH your hands! Airports are busy places with lots of people, and every one of them has germs that are just waiting to attack you. The best way to prevent them from attaching themselves to you is to wash your hands frequently, not just after bathroom visits, but all the time. Remember, you are picking up germs from everything you touch.

Don't let germs ruin your vacation!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Visit me at Adult-Travels

Today's find goes to Skype. For a very limited time, 24 hours to be exact, they are offering FREE access worldwide. And in the UK, they are going 48 hours. If you have never used Skype and always wanted to give it a try, now would be the time! I do not have this on my laptop.....yet. If you have an iphone, there is a Skype app for that! If you travel out of country, Skype can be an economical way to stay in touch with home. Overseas calls can be horribly expensive, so why not save your vacation dollars for vacationing?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

deals deals everywhere and my account is empty

Visit me at Adult-Travels
This economy has a lot of people down. The one and only good thing that I can find about this economy, is the fact that if you are still financially stable, it's a great time to travel. There are so many deals out there, it's hard not to run across one every day. I subscribe to a lot of travels sites, so I get offers in my e-mail box every day. And some of them are looking pretty darn good. I only wish I could've seen this coming, and I had socked away a bunch of money in to a bank account and I had a big fat bankroll waiting for me to just use them up on these vacations. Anytime you can get on a plane from the West Coast to go to Hawaii for 300 bucks, it's hard not to take out a loan and do it. Hotels are offering discounts like crazy.

No matter what kind of vacation you want to take, if you have money in your account now is the time to go. If you've never been able to take a vacation before, you should be able to take one now. If you normally go on the cheap, you can now move up to luxury accommodations. Can't normally afford the activities? You should be able to pick some up now for a reasonable price.

Get out there and vacation!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

how do you get a good price on rental car

Visit me at Adult-Travels

How do you go about getting a good price on a rental car? When you go on vacation you want the best of everything, that includes a rental car. But you also don't want it to cost you an arm and leg. One of these days, I'd love to go on vacation myself a BMW. but so far I have not found a way to get a good deal on a BMW while on vacation. But I have done fairly well at getting a good price on a convertible when I'm on vacation. So how do I do that? The first thing I do, is when I know I'm going on vacation, I start looking for rental cars. Just as with airfare, you kind of have to have an idea of what kind of price you are looking for. Once you have a firm idea of the price you would like to pay, you can shop around.

The nice thing about rental cars is that you can reserve them in advance without having to pay for them. That way if you find a better price later on, you just cancel the one that you had and book the new one. You can do this as many times as you need until you get the price you want. Once I have a car that I'm happy with the price of, I like to go to Priceline and see if I can beat it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The bad thing about Priceline, is that once you have booked a car and paid for, you are saying you cannot cancel it. But if you have gotten yourself a really good deal on a rental car, you don't really want to cancel it.

Sometimes you will get your best deal on rental car far in advance of your travel dates. And sometimes you can do your best deal last minute. Some people just don't want to put this much time and effort into getting a rental car for their vacation, but for me. It's what I like to do. Part of the fun of vacationing for me is the planning.

Friday, March 5, 2010

More on How to Find the Best Airfare

Visit me at Adult-Travels

Finding the best airfare is not only concerned with getting the best price. You also need to be concerned with getting the best FLIGHT. What does that mean? Well, you may find the best price for a flight from PDX (Portland, OR) to MCO (Orlando, FL) on Delta, for $180. But it leaves at 11:00 PM, stops in Salt Lake City for a 2 hour layover, then to Atlanta, GA where you have to change planes and then finally arrive in Orlando 12 hours later. Sometimes the cost reduction is worth this, but just make sure you can't get a better flight at a comparable cost. In this situation you may be able to take a Southwest flight for $200 and it will only make one stop in Kansas City and you don't even deplane, getting you into Orlando in only 7 hours. For me, it would be worth the extra $20, for the less hopscotchy flight.
Sometimes however, taking the hopscotch can save you a significant amount. Only you can make that choice.
When you start looking at flights, take notice of which ones have routes to where you want to go, in the most direct manner possible. Also look for airlines that have hubs in your local airport, that is often, but not always, who you will get the best prices from.
So, when is the best time to book a flight, 330 days out (the earliest you can get), or two days before you leave? More on that tomorrow.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Finding the Best Airfare

I had a friend ask me the other day, "I want to go to Hawaii this year, How do I go about finding the best airfare?" When she asked me that I realized that not everyone knows how to go about finding the best airfare, which for me is second nature because I shop for airfare even when I am not planning a trip.
Here is what I told her. First thing you want to do is have an idea of what is a normal price, so you will need to cruise some airline sights checking different dates, near and far, to see what the range is. When you know what the normal range is, it is a cinch to spot that great deal. Also you should know that airlines can change the price of tickets up to several times a day, although I have not found this to be a daily thing for most of the sites I check. However, if I am looking for tickets I will check a couple of different time frames to make sure I am not missing something.
And that is the second step to finding the best airfare. Keep checking. I have found that most of my friends who come to me with this question do not follow this advice. Most people do not have the patience to search for better prices; but for me, I like to travel and so the cheaper I can make each trip, the more trips I can have.
I realize not everyone is addicted to travel like me, which is why they won't take the time to do proper searches. But if you take the time to search, you might find that the trip you thought was just a dream CAN become a reality!

Check back tomorrow for more information on finding the best airfare.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beach Tips

Everyone knows that when you head to the beach, especially in a tropical location, that you need to remember the sunscreen. Tropical sun will burn you much more quickly and easily than the sun you are used to if you live in North America. The suns rays are much more direct here; it has nothing to do with the temperature.

You probably also know to take water so you don't become dehydrated. Here are a couple of tricks I use to keep the water cold. First off, I buy a few bottles of water, not just one. I freeze all of them except one per person. You can then throw them all in the cooler, the frozen ones keep the non frozen one cold, and as the day goes on, the frozen ones melt, giving you cold water. This method keeps me supplied with cold drinking water all day long, whether I am on the beach or taking a drive in the car. If you are taking snacks this will keep them cold also. I have also taken ziplock bags and filled them with ice to keep things cold in a cooler. Besides providing me with more drinking water during the day, this method also allows me to put things together in a cooler where I don't have to worry about the ice melting and making a soggy mess of things in the cooler.

Another thing I like to do which a lot of people don't know about or don't use, is taking a sheet along to the beach. It can be used in several ways. I like to use it to lay on instead of a beach towel. When you are in a tropical location you don't really need a towel to dry off on, the sun does it pretty quickly and you don't get cold waiting to dry. The advantages of a sheet over a towel is that when you pick the sheet up off of the beach, the sand shakes right off, unlike a towel where the sand stays stuck in the fibers. It is also larger than a beach towel, giving space for more people. But my favorite reason is how small of a space that sheet takes up compared to two beachtowels. When I go to the beach I don't want to be a pack mule getting there, but I do want to have all of the necessities.

Do you take baby powder to the beach with you? It works really well for making the sand unstick from your body. I don't mind sand being stuck to me while I am on the beach playing, but when it is time to get back into the car I like to desand. If you sprinkle a little baby powder onto the sand before brushing the sand comes right off.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So, do you like to travel but hate to pay for it? Did you know there are ways to let others pay for your travel? Not that you won't work for it, because you will, but still, someone else is paying. The process I am talking about is mystery shopping. A lot of people think that all mystery shopping is a scam, but that is just not true. Mystery shopping is an actual business, and they will pay you for shoppong, dining, traveling, watching movies, changing the oil in your car, getting a haircut and myriad other activities. You do have to work for your product and it does take time and effort. After all, this is a business and there is no such thing as a free lunch. You are not considered an employee, you are an independent contractor and as such you will have to keep track of your own expenses and pay and report accordingly to Uncle Sam, but truthfully there is not much to report as far as wages, as most of these are reimbursement and a very little amount of pay, but still, travel on someone else's dime? Sign me up!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Timeshare Presentation

Have you ever done a timeshare presentation? You know, go in and listen to a salesperson talk about how wonderful their product is, and then try to sell you a timeshare for 20,000 or 40,000 or more? Lots of people do this while they are on vacation, because it only takes a couple of hours and they will give you money for it. Sometimes it is only $50, or sometimes it is $200. It can be a visa card or it can be coupons that can only be spent in certain places.
I tend to do these presentations, partly for the money and partly for information I get from them. As much as I love vacations, it is a good idea for me to know the different timeshare offers that are out there. I already own a timeshare and I am very pleased with it, but I know there are others out there that I may be interested in. If you have a hard time saying "no", you should probably avoid these, but if you are ok with telling a salesman, thanks for the info but no thanks, this is an ok way to gather information and pick up some vacation bucks at the same time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you use your iphone?

Do you use your iphone while traveling? I use my extensively. I don't have to buy maps or bring a garmin with me, although I have to say that Garmins are very nice to have. My iphone won't give me verbal directions, but over the years of traveling I have become fairly good at navigating, so if I have a map I can find my way. I like the fact that you can get a general overview of the area, or zoom it in enough to get street names in tiny little towns. Although, with this trip to Florida I have noticed that my iphone is not keeping up very good. It takes a while to home in on my location, and when I move my blue dot does not always move with me.
The other thing I use my iphone for when traveling is for making motel reservations. I have a couple of hotel apps on there that will help me find something wherever I am. But a word of caution here, you should take time to read the reviews and maybe even do a drive by of the motel if possible before booking. It may save you from ending up in a skanky hotel like we got ourselves into last night. Not so skanky that I preferred to sleep in the car, and you couldn't really tell from the outside; I haven't gone back to read the reviews to see if that would have helped or not. Sometimes, despite every thing you do, you end up in a place you really wish you weren't. I itch this morning and I hope it is just my imagination.
Here's to bug free motel stays!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Condo Camping - My favorite way to travel. Since we own a timeshare it is fairly easy for us to exchange into other peoples timeshares when we want to go somewhere where we don't have a condo. This week we are in Fort Myers Beach in south Florida. When we first arrived in Florida we did not have a condo, so we were eating out 3 times a day. Pretty spendy. But we have a condo now and I spent about $75 at the grocery store on Monday and we have not eaten out since, it is Wednesday and we still have groceries. On this trip I discovered that the dollar store has grocery items, so instead of paying $5 or more for oil and salad dressing, I got them both for $2. For me, vacationing is all about saving money, because the more I save the more I can travel.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wow, long travel days, no internet service and too many rettarita's makes it impossible to add post's to your blogs! But we ended up our second night in St.Petes beach at a little motel right on the beach. Yep, the motel we got for free with our Delta miles. Nothing fancy, but it was ok, and the beach made up for the so so motel. I love the powder sand at St. Pete's Beach. Today we went on a segway tour. We have gone on one before in New Orleans, that was a city tour, this one was a nature tour on a segway out at Ft De Soto, it was WAY cool! And the price was really great too, as we only paid $45, and my husband and I were the only ones on the tour. It was great. We stopped to rest and got to watch dolphins playing in the bay. If you are ever in St. Petes Beach, I can personally recommend Remy's segway tours, you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mexico Half-Off!!!!

In my in box today an offer from for half to 65% off of Mexico vacations at all inclusive resorts. When I checked they were running about $100 a night, which I don't think is really 65% off, but its not a bad price either. Now is when some people like to head to Mexico, as it is kind of their off season, but then again, you are in Mexico, how "off" can it be?

My second find of the day is that there is now a rental company in Hawaii that rents mini coopers. Their website was down, so I couldn't get too much information, but I will be checking back with them. I would much rather rent a convertible mini cooper than a convertible mustang.

I won't be checking in tomorrow as I will be in route to Florida, so my next post will be written from the pool area. Ciao!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

OK, I have been kind of busy today and so I have not really found any smokin deals. How about just a general vacation type of statement for today.
Ever been on a cruise? I haven't.......yet. It is definitely on my list of things to do. I had one booked a few years ago. We had a Caribbean cruise booked going out of New Orleans. We were going to cruise for a week, going to Belize and Roatan Honduras, a super sweet balcony cabin overlooking the front of the ship, and then back to spend a few days at Mardi Gras. Care to guess why my trip got canceled? Ever heard of a little storm named Katrina? Yep, I was glued to the tv for that storm coverage, and just when I thought New Orleans was going to make it didn't. My missing a cruise paled in comparison to what they went through, but I have not been able to find the perfect cruise since then. But I will. I am just waiting for the same ship (Norwegian Sun) to have an itinerary I can fall in love with.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Do you own a timeshare? If you do you already know about the value of one. You already know how owning a timeshare can save you a lot of money on your vacations every year. But the one thing I have learned about timeshare owners is that most of them do not know how to use their timeshares to the fullest advantages.

I have had lots of people tell me that they were sorry they ever bought their timeshares, it was nothing but a wast of money. When I start asking them questions about how they use their timeshare, I can quickly understand why they think that way! They are not using it the fullest potential. If you are only going to use it as a one week vacation spot, like most people think they bought for, you are right, it is most likely a waste of money. Have you ever heard the phrase "Drive it like you stole it"? That is the attitude you need to have towards your timeshare. There is more than the bland way to use it, and smart timeshare owners take advantage of all the rules at their disposal.

Do you use the trading power your resort has? Is there opportunities for short stay inventory that you can take advantage of? Do you have more than one resort in your group that you can stay at? Do you have to stay a week at a time or can you break it up? Usually when I start asking unhappy timeshare owners these questions, they don't know the answers, and therein lies the problem. You probably spent a lot of money on your timeshare and not learning how to use it is akin to owning a vette and driving it like a volkswagon.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wow, there are just so many great deals out there these days. The problem is the economy is so far in the tank that everyone is either unemployed and can't take advantage of the deals, or afraid they will be unemployed and won't take advantage of the deals.

If you are still employed and you can manage to take advantage of some of these deals, now is the best time to go on vacation. If you have ever wanted to go to Hawaii, but have always said you couldn't afford it, NOW is the time! Flights are at super low prices and so are hotels. These are only available for the short term, you can't take advantage of this deal if you are planning a vacation for this fall, but if you are wanting a spring fling, the climate is right.

Flights to Hawaii from the west coast are running under $300, a couple or three years ago they were running closer to $600. If you like to stay in the higher end types of motels, now is the right time to grab some of those too. The price of these motels are sometimes running at what you would normally pay for a mid class motel.

Get out there and vacation!

Friday, January 15, 2010

So yesterday I told you about using miles for motel rooms. Just in case anyone is confused, I do not advocate using your miles for motel rooms on an everyday basis. I only pointed out this option because I am sure there are people out there like me that have miles accounts that do not get a lot of traffic on them and so the miles do not accumulate very fast. Rather than lose those miles, I will use them on motel rooms or other products that I like. I have a couple of thousand miles in my United account because I shop at Safeway and when you use your Safeway Club Card when making purchases, if you have signed up, you get 1/2 mile for every dollar spent. Since I am shopping there anyway, I might as well get some miles. I will probably use those miles for some dining certificates while in Florida.

If you are not a frequent flyer, and like me only travel for vacations and fun stuff, you will do better if you have only one major miles account. That is how I ended up with some left over Delta miles. I had an account with them, but they did not have good routes for me from my airport and so I switched. After using everything I could on flights, I still had some left over.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I surf a lot, and while I am surfing I find a lot a deals. My passion in life is traveling, so what do you think I find deals on? You got it! I love finding them and most of the time I can't use everything I find, so I thought I would create this blog where I can pass along to you what I found.

So what did the Travel Guru find today? This may not come as a surprise to everyone out there, but I found it surprising. I had some Delta skymiles that were about to expire, only aobut 14000 of them, so not even close to a ticket. I got a notice that I could use them for magazines, so I thought why not? Let's see what I can find. While I was looking for mags, I found out you can also use them to book motel rooms. Now it just so happens that in another week I am headed to Florida, where I don't have any room reservations. We have a certain area in mind, but for the most part want to be mobile. Well, to make a long story short, my measly little miles that were about to expire got me 3 nights motel in Florida. Who Knew? And for those of you that are like me and get United Miles at Safeway, just because, you can use those for motel rooms too.
Enjoy the day!