Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So, do you like to travel but hate to pay for it? Did you know there are ways to let others pay for your travel? Not that you won't work for it, because you will, but still, someone else is paying. The process I am talking about is mystery shopping. A lot of people think that all mystery shopping is a scam, but that is just not true. Mystery shopping is an actual business, and they will pay you for shoppong, dining, traveling, watching movies, changing the oil in your car, getting a haircut and myriad other activities. You do have to work for your product and it does take time and effort. After all, this is a business and there is no such thing as a free lunch. You are not considered an employee, you are an independent contractor and as such you will have to keep track of your own expenses and pay and report accordingly to Uncle Sam, but truthfully there is not much to report as far as wages, as most of these are reimbursement and a very little amount of pay, but still, travel on someone else's dime? Sign me up!

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