Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Timeshare Presentation

Have you ever done a timeshare presentation? You know, go in and listen to a salesperson talk about how wonderful their product is, and then try to sell you a timeshare for 20,000 or 40,000 or more? Lots of people do this while they are on vacation, because it only takes a couple of hours and they will give you money for it. Sometimes it is only $50, or sometimes it is $200. It can be a visa card or it can be coupons that can only be spent in certain places.
I tend to do these presentations, partly for the money and partly for information I get from them. As much as I love vacations, it is a good idea for me to know the different timeshare offers that are out there. I already own a timeshare and I am very pleased with it, but I know there are others out there that I may be interested in. If you have a hard time saying "no", you should probably avoid these, but if you are ok with telling a salesman, thanks for the info but no thanks, this is an ok way to gather information and pick up some vacation bucks at the same time.

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