Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you use your iphone?

Do you use your iphone while traveling? I use my extensively. I don't have to buy maps or bring a garmin with me, although I have to say that Garmins are very nice to have. My iphone won't give me verbal directions, but over the years of traveling I have become fairly good at navigating, so if I have a map I can find my way. I like the fact that you can get a general overview of the area, or zoom it in enough to get street names in tiny little towns. Although, with this trip to Florida I have noticed that my iphone is not keeping up very good. It takes a while to home in on my location, and when I move my blue dot does not always move with me.
The other thing I use my iphone for when traveling is for making motel reservations. I have a couple of hotel apps on there that will help me find something wherever I am. But a word of caution here, you should take time to read the reviews and maybe even do a drive by of the motel if possible before booking. It may save you from ending up in a skanky hotel like we got ourselves into last night. Not so skanky that I preferred to sleep in the car, and you couldn't really tell from the outside; I haven't gone back to read the reviews to see if that would have helped or not. Sometimes, despite every thing you do, you end up in a place you really wish you weren't. I itch this morning and I hope it is just my imagination.
Here's to bug free motel stays!

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