Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pacific Whale Foundation Dolphin Cruise

Visit me at Gran Canaria Holidays

Just got back from another great two week vacation in Hawaii. We spent the first week on Maui with some other family members, including my granddaughter. It was her first trip to the islands and she had a great time. She is 15 and in Hawaii, how could she have a BAD time????

One of the highlights of the trip for me this time was a dolphin cruise out of Lahaina Harbor. Of course there are all types of activities to be done/had on Maui, but I have to say this is one of the best values in the islands.

The cruise is done by the Pacific Whale Foundation. They are a non profit organization concerned with the sea life protection in the islands. THe great thing for me as a tourist about this group is that the activities they host are reasonably priced, and the added benefit is that the money goes for wildlife preservation.

It only cost us about $40 per person to go on a three hour cruise. We went to the coast of Lana'i, and saw this huge pod of dolphins! They estimated about 150 dolphins. They were spinner dolphins and they were jumping and playing all around the boat, it was great! I got some decent photos of the dolphins out of the water.

The boat has shade and the all important bathroom. There are light snacks for purchase and they supply drinks and reef friendly sun screen. I have done a lot of activities on the islands and as far as I am concerned, these guys are the best value for your money. They also offer a snorkel cruise, but don't think this means you can snorkel with the dolphins, because you can't, but you will probably encounter some turtles and that will be almost as awesome!

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