Sunday, October 24, 2010

Visit me at Gran Canaria holidays

If you read an earlier post of mine, you know that I had a hard time finding a decent price for rental cars this year for our trip to Hawaii. I ended up getting them for about $450 for 8 days, including taxes, which is twice as much as I have had to pay in prior years. The state of Hawaii decided that I was not paying enough for taxes on my rental car, so they tacked on an extra $3.50 a day! That added a little over $50 to the trip just in EXTRA taxes. I guess they figured since tourism was down, that anyone still able to take a trip could just suck it up and pay. After all, if we can still afford a trip, an extra $50 won't hurt us, right? Thank you, state of Hawaii! I realize they rely on tourism, but I hate being raked over the coals, and, no matter how much taxes they add, my budget is only so big. The extra taxes was just money I did not spend with local businesses.

Ok, that is my rant for the day. If you were hoping to see a post here about how to find killer deals on rental cars.........nope! The rental car companies are getting more per rental than in any year in recent history. If it is the same next year, I will be taking a shuttle to and from the resort and taking the public transportation on the rest of the trip.

For those of you thinking I must still be doing ok if I can afford a trip every year, I have a timeshare so I am paying for my vacation whether I take it or not, so I might as well take it.

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