Monday, November 22, 2010

Fig Leaf Underwear?

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I am sure you have all been seeing and hearing in the news recently about the guy who got frisked at the airport and was trying to accuse the TSA of sexual harassment, threatening to sue if his "junk" was touched. First of all, let me just say I found this funny, and lots of people will be clicking off of my blog right about now, cuz they are offended. But as a member of the "woman" race, I find it amusing that now that it is happening to men, it is now offensive. Sorry, can't help it.

My second opinion is, if you don't like the idea of being frisked or xrayed, find another mode of transportation. When I fly, I prefer feeling like everyone that got on the plane with me has been properly screened. You can choose one or the other, but if you choose neither, then may I suggest that you drive?

Third, I saw a really funny news report today. Seems a guy in Colorado has developed some "fig leaf" underwear, with just enough of the types of metals that won't set off the detectors to shield your privacy if you have to be screened. I don't know if that will fly or not (pardon the pun) because who is to say that you won't be hiding something behind that sexy new underwear you are sporting?

It seems everyone is up in arms about the new TSA screening processes, and I just have to say, maybe you should get over yourself or stay at home. Do you really think the person behind the screen gives a rip what you look like under your unders? And if he or she did, it's not like they could pick you out of a crowd.

For myself, I would prefer we all had to go through screening nekked, then maybe I wouldn't have to worry about some asshole blowing me up at 35000 feet.

Just saying.

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