Thursday, March 4, 2010

Finding the Best Airfare

I had a friend ask me the other day, "I want to go to Hawaii this year, How do I go about finding the best airfare?" When she asked me that I realized that not everyone knows how to go about finding the best airfare, which for me is second nature because I shop for airfare even when I am not planning a trip.
Here is what I told her. First thing you want to do is have an idea of what is a normal price, so you will need to cruise some airline sights checking different dates, near and far, to see what the range is. When you know what the normal range is, it is a cinch to spot that great deal. Also you should know that airlines can change the price of tickets up to several times a day, although I have not found this to be a daily thing for most of the sites I check. However, if I am looking for tickets I will check a couple of different time frames to make sure I am not missing something.
And that is the second step to finding the best airfare. Keep checking. I have found that most of my friends who come to me with this question do not follow this advice. Most people do not have the patience to search for better prices; but for me, I like to travel and so the cheaper I can make each trip, the more trips I can have.
I realize not everyone is addicted to travel like me, which is why they won't take the time to do proper searches. But if you take the time to search, you might find that the trip you thought was just a dream CAN become a reality!

Check back tomorrow for more information on finding the best airfare.

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