Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sandals is having a Sale

Visit me at Adult-Travels

Have you ever been to an all inclusive? Ever wanted to? I have always wanted to try it, but for whatever reason I haven't yet. Lately, Wheel of Fortune has been hosted by Sandals Resorts, and so of course, I got to wondering, how much would it cost to stsy in a place like that? Now. Sandals and Beaches are not your run of the mill all inclusive; their motto is "Luxury Included" and they look pretty classy! And since the butler packages they are giving out on "Wheel" say they have a value of 10,500, I got to wondering "how much for a regular room"? So, I went to find out!
Seems Sandals is having a sale these days! I am sure business is down for them like everyone else, which is good news for anyone who can still afford vacations! I priced out a week for my husband and I for our anniversary in July of next year ( yes, the sale extends out that far), and we can get a week for under $3000. I was VERY impressed! And they will hold your reservation for $400. I think this might be totally doable. Here's a link where you can find more info on Sandals Beach Resorts. http://adult-travels.com/category/sandals-beach-resorts/

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