Friday, April 16, 2010

How Many Miles Will You Earn With That Credit Card?

Visit me at Adult-Travels

Most credit cards that you use for earning miles will give you one mile per dollar spent, and it will cost you 25000 miles for a continental flight. So that means for every $25000 dollars that you spend, you will earn pone free flight. Now this is where a lot of people will stop reading, because they think "I have to spend $25000 to get one lousy flight?" But the truth of the matter is, you are already spending that money and not getting anything for it!

Most credit cards associated with airline miles will have some other way of increasing your miles earnings. The most common is using your miles credit card to purchase a ticket with that airline. If you have done your homework carefully, this is not a problem, because it will be an airline you want to fly on anyway. That is one reason it is important to choose a miles card that is associated with an airline you will use. A bunch of miles sitting in your account that you can't use does not do you any good.

Check back later for more information on how to do some research into miles from credit cards. In the meantime, if you have information for others, feel free to leave a post.

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