Friday, March 26, 2010

Sandals is promoting their band new resort

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If you have not heard, Sandals has recently brought a new resort on board, it is called Emerald Bay and it is their very first ALL BUTLER resort. Yep, oceanfront resort in the Bahamas that is going all butler. Here is what landed in my mailbox just moments ago "For a limited time, guests who book a luxurious Seaside Villa will receive a complimentary Island Routes Castaway Cay Island Package valued at $550!

The Castaway Cay Package includes free transfer to dock, private boat transfer to secluded Castaway Island, four hours on Castaway Island, beach chairs and beach floats, a bottle of wine and a cooler with drinks, choice of 1 of 4 lunch options." If you follow this link you will land on a page with an Emerald Bay advertisement. Follow that link and when you go to book your vacation package, enter the code CWY33. The way I am reading this, is that this can be used in conjunction with the companion flies free offer they also have going on for Emerald Bay. Sounds like a suite deal!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

NCL is having a sale

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Everyday brings a new sale to my mailbox. Some I get excited about and some are just "oh, another sale" And then there are days like today, when I am sick and I want to stay in bed, and I just don't know if I should get excited or not!
The email that stuck out for me today was from Norwegian Cruise Lines, they are having a 48 hour sale and to tell you the truth, I have no idea if it is a good one or not. Hey, I could have lied and told you it was fantastic, but what if it's not? Then I am left looking like I don't know what I am talking about, so I'd rather just put it out there, that this time, I just don't know. Because I didn't go check, it's the whole sick thing. I hope someone checks it out though and lets me know if it is any good. Hopefully I am not missing the sale of the century.
If I have to be sick, I'd rather be doing it from the deck of a cruise ship!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sandals is having a Sale

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Have you ever been to an all inclusive? Ever wanted to? I have always wanted to try it, but for whatever reason I haven't yet. Lately, Wheel of Fortune has been hosted by Sandals Resorts, and so of course, I got to wondering, how much would it cost to stsy in a place like that? Now. Sandals and Beaches are not your run of the mill all inclusive; their motto is "Luxury Included" and they look pretty classy! And since the butler packages they are giving out on "Wheel" say they have a value of 10,500, I got to wondering "how much for a regular room"? So, I went to find out!
Seems Sandals is having a sale these days! I am sure business is down for them like everyone else, which is good news for anyone who can still afford vacations! I priced out a week for my husband and I for our anniversary in July of next year ( yes, the sale extends out that far), and we can get a week for under $3000. I was VERY impressed! And they will hold your reservation for $400. I think this might be totally doable. Here's a link where you can find more info on Sandals Beach Resorts.

Monday, March 22, 2010

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Cold and flu season is still here, I know for a fact because I have it, and I am miserable. I don't much feel like surfing for deals, so I thought I would just remind you all, while you are traveling, to WASH, WASH, WASH your hands! Airports are busy places with lots of people, and every one of them has germs that are just waiting to attack you. The best way to prevent them from attaching themselves to you is to wash your hands frequently, not just after bathroom visits, but all the time. Remember, you are picking up germs from everything you touch.

Don't let germs ruin your vacation!

Friday, March 19, 2010

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Today's find goes to Skype. For a very limited time, 24 hours to be exact, they are offering FREE access worldwide. And in the UK, they are going 48 hours. If you have never used Skype and always wanted to give it a try, now would be the time! I do not have this on my laptop.....yet. If you have an iphone, there is a Skype app for that! If you travel out of country, Skype can be an economical way to stay in touch with home. Overseas calls can be horribly expensive, so why not save your vacation dollars for vacationing?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

deals deals everywhere and my account is empty

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This economy has a lot of people down. The one and only good thing that I can find about this economy, is the fact that if you are still financially stable, it's a great time to travel. There are so many deals out there, it's hard not to run across one every day. I subscribe to a lot of travels sites, so I get offers in my e-mail box every day. And some of them are looking pretty darn good. I only wish I could've seen this coming, and I had socked away a bunch of money in to a bank account and I had a big fat bankroll waiting for me to just use them up on these vacations. Anytime you can get on a plane from the West Coast to go to Hawaii for 300 bucks, it's hard not to take out a loan and do it. Hotels are offering discounts like crazy.

No matter what kind of vacation you want to take, if you have money in your account now is the time to go. If you've never been able to take a vacation before, you should be able to take one now. If you normally go on the cheap, you can now move up to luxury accommodations. Can't normally afford the activities? You should be able to pick some up now for a reasonable price.

Get out there and vacation!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

how do you get a good price on rental car

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How do you go about getting a good price on a rental car? When you go on vacation you want the best of everything, that includes a rental car. But you also don't want it to cost you an arm and leg. One of these days, I'd love to go on vacation myself a BMW. but so far I have not found a way to get a good deal on a BMW while on vacation. But I have done fairly well at getting a good price on a convertible when I'm on vacation. So how do I do that? The first thing I do, is when I know I'm going on vacation, I start looking for rental cars. Just as with airfare, you kind of have to have an idea of what kind of price you are looking for. Once you have a firm idea of the price you would like to pay, you can shop around.

The nice thing about rental cars is that you can reserve them in advance without having to pay for them. That way if you find a better price later on, you just cancel the one that you had and book the new one. You can do this as many times as you need until you get the price you want. Once I have a car that I'm happy with the price of, I like to go to Priceline and see if I can beat it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The bad thing about Priceline, is that once you have booked a car and paid for, you are saying you cannot cancel it. But if you have gotten yourself a really good deal on a rental car, you don't really want to cancel it.

Sometimes you will get your best deal on rental car far in advance of your travel dates. And sometimes you can do your best deal last minute. Some people just don't want to put this much time and effort into getting a rental car for their vacation, but for me. It's what I like to do. Part of the fun of vacationing for me is the planning.

Friday, March 5, 2010

More on How to Find the Best Airfare

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Finding the best airfare is not only concerned with getting the best price. You also need to be concerned with getting the best FLIGHT. What does that mean? Well, you may find the best price for a flight from PDX (Portland, OR) to MCO (Orlando, FL) on Delta, for $180. But it leaves at 11:00 PM, stops in Salt Lake City for a 2 hour layover, then to Atlanta, GA where you have to change planes and then finally arrive in Orlando 12 hours later. Sometimes the cost reduction is worth this, but just make sure you can't get a better flight at a comparable cost. In this situation you may be able to take a Southwest flight for $200 and it will only make one stop in Kansas City and you don't even deplane, getting you into Orlando in only 7 hours. For me, it would be worth the extra $20, for the less hopscotchy flight.
Sometimes however, taking the hopscotch can save you a significant amount. Only you can make that choice.
When you start looking at flights, take notice of which ones have routes to where you want to go, in the most direct manner possible. Also look for airlines that have hubs in your local airport, that is often, but not always, who you will get the best prices from.
So, when is the best time to book a flight, 330 days out (the earliest you can get), or two days before you leave? More on that tomorrow.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Finding the Best Airfare

I had a friend ask me the other day, "I want to go to Hawaii this year, How do I go about finding the best airfare?" When she asked me that I realized that not everyone knows how to go about finding the best airfare, which for me is second nature because I shop for airfare even when I am not planning a trip.
Here is what I told her. First thing you want to do is have an idea of what is a normal price, so you will need to cruise some airline sights checking different dates, near and far, to see what the range is. When you know what the normal range is, it is a cinch to spot that great deal. Also you should know that airlines can change the price of tickets up to several times a day, although I have not found this to be a daily thing for most of the sites I check. However, if I am looking for tickets I will check a couple of different time frames to make sure I am not missing something.
And that is the second step to finding the best airfare. Keep checking. I have found that most of my friends who come to me with this question do not follow this advice. Most people do not have the patience to search for better prices; but for me, I like to travel and so the cheaper I can make each trip, the more trips I can have.
I realize not everyone is addicted to travel like me, which is why they won't take the time to do proper searches. But if you take the time to search, you might find that the trip you thought was just a dream CAN become a reality!

Check back tomorrow for more information on finding the best airfare.