Monday, August 16, 2010

Rental Cars Are Expensive This Year

Visit me at Gran Canaria Holidays
It is confirmed, it is not just my imagination, rental cars are horribly expensive this year! I booked my flight to Hawaii several months ago and I got reasonably priced tickets, ditto for the rooms while we are there. I have been searching for a decent price on rental cars ever since!

My usual modus operandi is to book a car as soon as I know my dates for travel. I will go to the various sites I have bookmarked until I find the best price and book it. In the past, I have always been able to get a better price as the time for my vacation draws nearer. this year however, I am glad I am such a planner! Because if I had not secured a decent price for my rental car months ago, I would now be facing the prospect of not having a rental car at all for my vacation, because they are horribly expensive this year. I am appalled at the prices they are charging this year. With so many people not taking vacations at all this year, I do not understand how the rental car companies can be getting such outrageous prices, but apparently they are. For myself, I would have to rely on public transportation, because I simply could not come up with they money they are charging.

Rental prices are up 50% over what I paid last year, so no way can I find room in my budget for that! We have people traveling with us that will be going sans rental car. And to add insult to injury, I was recently informed that in Hawaii, (where I am going on vacation) that the airport concession fee will be increased by a whopping 350%!!!!!! They are tacking on an extra $4.00 a day to rentals.

I may not be getting out and about as much this year as I did last, but at least I am able to take a vacation, and I am SO looking forward to some of the beautiful Hawaiian sun and those tropical waters to swim in, so I will just be thankful for what I do have instead of griping about what I don't.

Even if all you can afford is a campout in the back yard (which we just did this weekend!) GET OUT THERE AND VACATION!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fall Travel

Visit me at Gran Canaria Holidays

Fall is almost here, and if you have not yet taken your summer vacation, it is time to git er done, before summer is gone and you have missed it! Lucky for you, there are some companies out there that are gearing up for fall season and putting their best sales forward now, in time to grab that last minute summer vacation, or to plan the first trip of the fall.

Cheap Round Trip Flights Under $150 - Tax Included. Book now on CheapOair!

If you have read any of my earlier posts, you know I do not like to follow the crowd when it comes to my vacations. I like to go in shoulder season instead of high season, and I like to stay in condo's instead of motels or resorts.

This may or may not be your idea of a good vacation. Whatever your idea is, I hope that my posts on this blog will help inspire you to take that well deserved vacation, and hopefully show you a way to save a buck or two.