Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Visit me at Adult-Travels

I am so glad spring is finally here, my winter blues are starting to melt away. It is time to plant the garden and start planning summer bbq's and camp outs. For those of you that have not already done so, it is also time to start planning your fall vacation.(Your summer vacation should already be planned and paid for)If you did not buy your airline tickets at around the 330 day range, now is the time to start watching for fall fares. Or, if you did not advance plan your spring and summer vacations, it is time to start watching for last minute deals. That is a great way to travel too, heck, ANY way to travel is a great way to travel!

The economy is still in a bad place, so if you are lucky enough to still be employed and have some money to spare, this will be a great year for vacation deals. If, like me, you did not weather the employment storm so well, at least you may still get to take a vacation after all because rates are so low.

Even if you have to grab a sleeping bag and throw it on the beach, do something to get out there and vacation! It is good for the soul.